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Depression is different from feeling down or sad. A person suffering from depression will experience intense emotions of anxiety, hopelessness, negativity, and helplessness. These feelings stay with them instead of going away. The length of time it takes to recover ranges from around six months to a year or more and sometimes there may be no clear reason for your depression. This body of work reflects the repetitive motion of depression and the way in which I deal and work with it. Whilst adjusting to single life and travel blues I found myself returning to a downward spiral with my depression, I started to photograph my actions and emotions during my day-to-day life creating a photographic narrative based on my experiences with depression.


By exposing myself I am using my body as a metaphor for my exposure of my mental illness. By leaving myself open and exposed I am referring to my emotional state, in the sense that most people wouldn’t want to discuss the problems with depression, whereas in my work I want people to question it and think about it. Also the knowledge of people viewing these images and myself shows my acceptance of people viewing the exposure of myself as well as my depression.

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